
Get That Heart Rate Up: 7 Types of Used Cardio Machines Your Gym Needs

 |  Brett Labistour

Most people have a love-hate relationship with cardio. It can be long, boring and sometimes difficult depending on your fitness level. But we can't deny the fact that doing all different forms of cardio leads us to better bodies and overall health.

That's why when you're starting a gym or adding equipment to your current workout space, you should definitely make sure you have a variety of cardio equipment for folks to choose from. Keep reading to find out the 7 best types of used cardio machines for your gym needs. 

1. Treadmill

Usually, when someone thinks of cardio machines, this is the first one to come to mind. The treadmill is one of the oldest pieces of heart-pumping equipment around and it is still very popular and common in gym settings.

Although the design on the treadmill has pretty much stayed the same over the past couple of decades, there have been updates to make the machine much easier and efficient for use. For instance, there are options for you to place your palms on the support handles in front of you that have built-in heat sensors. These sensors help to measure heart rate and can even estimate how many calories you have and could burn. 

The treadmill is good for almost all levels of fitness because it allows you to adjust basic features, such as speed and incline, to fit your current physical abilities. They are typically low maintenance so its safe to buy a used one to save money. 

2. Recumbent Bike

Recumbent bikes are some of the best cardio machines for low-intensity training. The design dates back to the late 19th century and was repopularized in the 1970s. 

The cardio bicycles position users in a laid-back, reclined position for your upper body and a more elongated leg length than a traditional bike for the lower body. These bikes are great for people going rehabilitation through because they take pressure off of the lower back. 

They are one of the top machines for comfort and low-risk workouts. 

3. Elliptical

This machine is the savior to run to when you're not quite up for a jog on the treadmill. It creates a runner type movement by having the individual push down on one footplate to make the other side move. This creates a complete circular motion on the ellipse. 

You can burn a good amount of calories without sacrificing your joints by using an Elliptical. It may also be more suitable for people who need extra stability and support while doing cardio, as it gives you a secured foot place and a wide range to its moveable handles.

The Elliptical is hands-down one of the top-favorite cardio equipment for many gym-goers and at-home exercisers. 

4. Stair Climber

If you're looking for a real challenge, then here it is. Shortness of breath is a long-time reported side effect of walking up the stairs for people that aren't disabled or elder. So how can you help to prevent this from getting any worse?

The answer lies in the stair climber. Any cardio machines that require you to take actual steps in an incline direction will always be a difficult level of intensity. But they are also great for getting you in shape and managing heart rate and -related conditions. 

Stair Climbers, or step mills, are ideal for engaging all lower-body muscles, including quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. They help to build strength and endurance in these parts as well.

5. Row Machine

This machine is exactly as the name suggests. The only thing you're missing is water. 

Actually a row machine adds an extra component of engaging simultaneous movement from your legs that being in the boat doesn't require. While in a seated position you use your back and shoulders, as well as your legs, to move your seat and back and forth. The intensity levels can be adjusted to increase or decrease resistance depending on the machine model. 

The rowing machine provides an excellent full-body cardio and is suitable for anyone starting from a beginner level.

6. Spin/Group Cycling Bike

One thing that makes using cardio machines a little less daunting is doing it in a group setting. Spin bikes are a great example of this.

Cycling bikes are built with a high seat that easily tilts the rider in a forward-leaning position. The wheel mechanism is heavier than on a regular upright exercise bike and requires the individual to work harder to move. However, it is also designed to keep the pedals spinning even if the person isn't pedaling anymore.

Spin bikes are cool for a variety of workout speeds and go great with loud party music.

7. Arc Trainer

The arc trainer is probably one of the best cardio machines for relieving pressure on your hips and joints. It uses a similar setup to the elliptical but has a "swing" type movement on the lower body while still requiring a push-pull movement from the upper body.

To use the arc, you start by simply pushing down and back on the pedal, in which the other pedal is already in motion to come forward once the opposing foot has reached the bottom. This machine activates your quads, glutes, and hamstrings and is great for burning more calories while feeling like you've done half the work.

Arc trainers can be great for increasing leg strength and speed. They are manageable for most fitness levels and have a range of settings. 

Looking to Buy the Best Cardio Machines for Your Gym or Home Space?

Equipping your gym and home with the top cardio machines is an essential part to balancing your fitness life. Different pieces of equipment provide you with different exercising experiences so its good to know what you prefer and consider your level.

Having a variety of machines is the best way to ensure that you'll be able to get total-body workouts. For more information about saving money by buying high quality used cardio equipment contact us today.  

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